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Education and Employment News

March 30, 2025

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Research has often focused on how teachers and educators can best instruct and accommodate students with disabilities. However, are the methods used to teach students with disabilities effective and inclusive for all ...
Non-monetary benefits such as independence, autonomy and the ability to work on innovative technologies are among the key selling points for talented scientists and engineers who spurn working for a ...
A new study offers insights into the ways that education, work and motherhood shape the lives of women in the United States. In a longitudinal study of more than 8,100 women, the researchers found seven 'pathways' that illustrate the way major life ...
People without a secure job contract can likely reduce their risk of premature death by 20 per cent if they gain permanent employment, a study ...

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updated 11:53am EDT

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People who stutter have lower earnings, experience underemployment and express lower job satisfaction than those who don't stutter, a new study ...

New findings challenge the idea that academically selective schools are necessary for clever pupils to achieve good ...

Though life goals change over time, a study of teen goals indicates that goals of education and high prestige can drive ...

A new study found that employed adults with greater job flexibility and higher job security were less likely to experience serious psychological distress or anxiety. Greater job flexibility and ...

A recent study found significant variations in career interests between men and women. Surprisingly, even with these interest differences, gender gaps in career opportunities are more substantial ...

Addressing the shortage of women in STEM fields such as computer science is not enough to close the gender gap: Treating women more like men, especially on pay day, is more important than ...

Young people who are in higher education in England face a small increased risk of depression and anxiety, compared to their peers who are not attending higher education, finds a new ...

There's no need to panic about a pending robot takeover just yet. Only 14% of workers say they've seen their job replaced by a robot. But those who have experienced job displacement due to ...

College-educated Black women in the United States give birth to fewer children than their white and Hispanic counterparts, according to a new study. The study examines the interplay of race, ...

Indiana high school students with disabilities who spent 80 percent of their educational time in general education classrooms scored higher on state reading and math assessments and were better ...

Higher aspirations lead to higher achievements. At least, that is true in the context of educational and occupational aspirations, as shown by a new study. Unrealistically high aspirations as a ...

Individuals with student loan debt into early middle age have a higher risk of cardiovascular illness, undermining the usual health benefits of a post-secondary education, researchers ...

The estimated cost of multiple sclerosis (MS) reached $85.4 billion in 2019 in the United States, according to a new report. In addition, when researchers compared people with MS to people without MS ...