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Forensic Research News

March 27, 2025

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Researchers presented advances shaping the world of forensics, from research that could improve how forensic scientists estimate a person's age at death, to technology demos of CSIxR -- a virtual reality (VR) application that simulates crime scenes ...
Researchers have tested whether intoxicated people can be reliable witnesses when it comes to identifying a suspect's face after a crime is ...
A research team developed an AI tool that traces back the most recent places you have been to. The tool acts like a satellite navigation system, but instead of guiding you to your hotel, it identifies the geographical source of microorganisms. This ...
Overlapping and weak fingerprints pose challenges in criminal cases. A new study offers a solution and brings hope for using chemical residues in fingerprints for personal ...

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updated 11:07pm EDT

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Discoveries by forensic scientists about how gunshot residue behaves on skin, hair and fabric will allow crime scene investigators to catch up to the proliferation of new, eco-friendly types of ...

Researchers model the behavior of blood drops during secondary atomization to examine how the phenomenon affects a crime scene. The team examined different starting droplet sizes, confirming their ...

It is possible to retrieve forensically relevant information from human DNA in household ...

The forensic-voice-comparison system, based on state-of-the-art automatic-speaker-recognition technology, outperformed all the ...

Watch any episode of 'CSI,' and a character will use forensic DNA profiling to identify a criminal. A new study suggests that these forensic profiles may indirectly reveal medical ...

Forensic dramas on TV make it seem easy to determine when fingerprints were left at the scene of a crime. In reality, the oils in fingerprints degrade over time, and it's difficult to figure out ...

New research highlights the increasing threat of microplastics to global farming and food production. Scientists are researching the scale of plastic pollution in agricultural soils and its impact ...

In a project aimed at developing intelligent tools to fight child exploitation, computer scientists have developed a system to analyze the noise produced by individual cameras. This information can ...

Tracing the regional origin of everything from milk to invasive bugs is now possible thanks to a new project. A strontium isotope map means biological material can be pinpointed to distinct ...

New research is helping law enforcement agents, forensic scientists and historians uncover attempts to hide ...

Skin cells and their DNA varies between individuals, but new data shows that some groups of people have higher variability in their cell deposits. The South Australian forensic science researchers ...